2008年11月27日 星期四

Thanksgiving Night at Johnny&Gina's Place.


We went to Johnny&Gina's place on Thanksgiving night.

I made a small mango mousse cake and fruit tarts this time.

Here're the pictures.


Joseph and I stayed at their house until 11:30pm and went to the outlet at 290 to see the crowd people.

Here's the 實況.

PB280141 (Fairfield Exit)


It took us 10~15 min to exit hwy 290 and another 15~20mins to find a parking lot.

We did not buy many things but it was really a good experience to see how crazy ppl are.

2008年11月22日 星期六



001 002

These were made long time ago... They were made for Joseph's worship team's breakfast. I also made 包子. The reason I made so many kinds this time is to appreciate all co-workers' hard working.


I really like the round buns. It was tasty and cute. The trick to make it so 圓 is I left the dough in mini muffin pan.

Here's the 剖面圖~~ The left one is custard flavor and the right one is red beans. (again. I used red bean can.)


2008年11月1日 星期六



老公再幾個小時就要回來了(凌晨), 所以得做些麵包給他當早餐。Blushing

一直以來麵包和土司是我做點心上面的障礙, 唯一比較拿手的吐司只有波特吐司, 經過了幾次不同的食譜, 終於發現我的麵包一直扁扁的原因, 結果好像是酵母粉放太少, 我參考的食譜大部分都是台灣的, 所以酵母粉又跟這裡不一樣, 這次做的時候多放了一點, 然後改用溫水代替涼水, 效果變比較好, 發酵的比較成功, 但是在做波蘿麵包的時候, 好像還是有點扁扁的....

順帶一提的是, 這些蔥都是產自"陳家菜圃"喔~~ ^__^

PB010090 蔥花麵包

PB010092 地瓜麵包


PB010094 菠蘿麵包