2009年4月23日 星期四


Cheese Cake I_090419

又到了Joseph領詩的時候了, 這禮拜給大家做了輕乳酪蛋糕, 因為下午要去團契一個新朋友家BBQ, 所以順便一起烤了這個, 倒扣的時候表面黏到我手上, 結果表面一個手掌印..... =____=

所以只好decorate 一下囉~不過我的decorate技術好像比較好一點了... :D

味道跟在台灣吃的一樣... ^o^Y




上禮拜做了一個失敗的法國麵包, (酵母不夠所以發酵不完全)

Joseph把它放到後院的盤子裡, 今天下午好多小鳥跑到我們家後院吃麵包~ ^___^ ~

才一個下午, 盤子裡的麵包只剩一半了說...

2009年4月21日 星期二


I went to Dr. Gan's office last evening to pick up my medical examination report... Guess what? I waited for 1.5 hrs....

When he is almost going to sign my report, he asked my age. and then he asked the nurse if I took “HPV” or not.

因為這個破疫苗, 我得等我打完了Dr. Gan才簽...

這個疫苗是預防子宮頸癌. 最好的注射期間是10~26歲...醫生斷定我今年24歲...一定得打...

The nurse told me it costs 180~240 bucks per shot and I have to take three shots…. 打完一千塊有找...image

but she also told me that I can go to government clinic. If I tell the clinic I don’t have income, it’s free… :D

so I went to the one on Antoine. It took me $15 to take the first shot. I didn’t take free one because it’s based on family income.

I have to wait another month for the second shot and another month for the third shot.

I didn’t see any regulation about this on USCIS' website...

I never heard anyone took this shot before. Why do I need to take??? image

2009年4月11日 星期六

Strawberry Banana Smoothie


It’s very yummy but it’s fatty too… :(

Material: Fresh Strawberry 1lb, Banana x1, Ice some, Water some, Ice Cream some (the more the better. this will make the smoothie more creamy and sweet.)

Leave some strawberry for decoration and blend everything together.



Thanks my lovely husband for sponsoring me buying a simple but nice blender. (l)